Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Learn To Phrogram

Learn to Program


A variable is used to store a value in the computer’s memory. Before you can use a variable, you must first Define the variable. This allows the computer to know the name of the variable and what type of data the variable will store. Let’s define our first variable.

Define guess As Integer

In this example, the name of the variable you are defining is guess and the data type is Integer. Now, you must be asking yourself, what is an integer? An integer is a whole number. For example, 1,2,3 etc. You could not assign the value 2.5 to the variable guess because 2.5 is not a whole number.

By default, when you define a variable as an integer, the value of the integer is zero. Try the following program.

Method Main()

Define guess As Integer

Print (guess)

End Method

Before you run the program, try and think what the console window will display. This is how you start to think like a computer and is an important part of becoming a good computer programmer.


If you said 0, then you are correct. Guess is equal to zero because it hasn’t been assigned a value. Let’s move to the next step and assign a value to the variable we defined.

To assign a variable a value, you need to set the variable equal to something. To assign a variable, we use the equal sign. The equal sign on the computer is =.

To assign the variable guess the number 5, we use the following command.

guess = 5

Now try the following program.

Method Main()

Define guess As Integer

guess = 5

Print (guess)

End Method

What will the output be now?


Simple, right?

Now, let’s practice some basic computer math. Try to answer the following problems. Remember, think like a computer. If you need help, write a small computer program to help you answer the questions.


x = 5

y = 10

x + y = _____________


x = 5

y = 15

y – x = ____________


Y = 10

Y = Y + 1

Y = ____________

4. X = 15

Y = 10

Z = _____________

5. X = 10

Y = 5

Z = X + Y

Z = ______________

A variable is used to store a value in the computer’s memory. Once you have defined a variable and assigned it a value, you can use the variable. In the first chapter, you already started to use variables by adding and subtracting them. Let’s now take a look at how we can comparison operations. When you compare something, what are you doing? You are looking to see what is the same and what is different between two items. If you were to compare two apples, you may compare their size, shape, type and color.

A computer program can be used to compare variables as well. Now, it is time to start thinking like a computer. Answer the following questions

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

X = 5

Y = 10

Is X > 5? _________

Is Y < 10? _________

Is X = Y? _________

Let’s review the three comparison operators you used. These should be familiar to you already from math lessons.


Greater than


Less than


Equal too

Enter the following program to see the results for yourself in the console window.

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

X = 5

Y = 10

ConsoleWriteLine ("Answer: " + (Y > 5) )

ConsoleWriteLine ("Answer: " + (Y < 10) )

ConsoleWriteLine ("Answer: " + (X=y))

End Method

When you run the program, you should see the following results.


Hey, why is there a + sign in the method ConsoleWriteLine? Good question. First, we are using a new Method to tell the computer to write information to the console window. The Method ConsoleWriteLine() tells the computer to output information to the console window and start a new line. Try changing your program to use the ConsoleWrite() method instead of the ConsoleWriteLine(). What do you see now?

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

X = 5

Y = 10

ConsoleWrite ("Answer: " + (Y > 5) )

ConsoleWrite ("Answer: " + (Y < 10) )

ConsoleWrite ("Answer: " + (X=y))

End Method


Using ConsoleWriteLine() looks much better, doesn’t it.


Methods are computer commands. A computers programming language has hundreds of built in methods it knows how to execute. You as a computer programmer have the ability to define your own new methods. Most methods take a parameter. A parameter simply provides the method additional information. For example, let’s take a look at the method ConsoleWriteLine().

When you start typing ConsoleWriteLine ( the following tooltip will be displayed.


The tool tip tells you what type of parameter is required and provides a brief description. In this example, the method ConsoleWriteLine() requires a String which is the message to display on the console window.

Now, lets go back to our last example. Look at the following line.

ConsoleWriteLine ("Answer: " + (Y > 5) )

In this example, we are calling the method ConsoleWriteLine() and passing the String value of

“Answer: “ + (Y>5)

The + sign is used here to join two strings together. The + sign can be used to add numbers together or to join two strings together. Take a look at the following examples.

If the plus sign come between two numbers, the + sign will add the numbers

For example:

Define X As Integer

X = 5 + 10

ConsoleWriteLine (X)

If the plus sign comes between two Strings, the + sign will join the two values together.

Define X As String
X = " Answer: " + " True"
ConsoleWriteLine (X)


A few more points about using string. When you define strings they MUST be between quotation marks. Try the following

Define X As String

X = What is your name?

ConsoleWriteLine (X)

The program looks ok, but you will get a syntax error. What do you need to do to correct the syntax error? Add quotation marks, right?

Define X As String
X = "What is your name?"
ConsoleWriteLine (X)

Review Time


Define X As String

X = "What is your name?"

ConsoleWriteLine (X)

What type of variable is X? ____________


Define X As Integer

Define Y As Boolean

Y = X > 5

What is the value of Y? ______________


Define X As String

X = What is your name?

ConsoleWriteLine (X)

What is wrong with the program above above?

Rinse and repeat

Computers are very good at repeating the same tasks over and over. They never get tired of doing the same tasks again and again. In this section we are going to learn how to repeat a set of tasks multiple times.

Suppose you want to display your name on the screen 5 times. What’s the best way to do this? You could choose to use the ConsoleWriteLine() method 5 times. While this would work ok for repeating a task 5 times, what if you wanted to change the program and display your name 100 times? This would be very tedious. The language Phrogram provides several commands to accomplish this.

Method Main()

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")

End Method


The first way is to use the command LOOP. LOOP takes one argument, the number of time to repeat. Place LOOP before the section of code you want to repeat and END LOOP at the end of the section. Let’s look at how to repeat Jon Smith using the Loop command.

Method Main()

Loop 5

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")

End Loop

End Method

Much simpler. The code is easier to read and easier to update. Change the program above to output the name Jon Smith 25 times. Only one line of code to change.


Another method to repeat a section of code multiple times is to use the FOR NEXT command.

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

For x = 1 To 5

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith")


End Method

First, you must define a variable as an Integer. In this example we define X. Next we call For and specify the start and end values. In this case, we instruct to start at the value of 1 and end at 5. Each time the computer executes the Next command, the value of the integer X is incremented. To see this better, lets modify the program to display the value of X each time the method ConsoleWriteLine() is called.

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

For x = 1 To 5

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith:" + X)


End Method

When you run the program, you will see the following.


Let’s review.

This instructs the computer to start at the value 1 and continue until X = 5. Every time Next is called, the value of X increase by 1.

In this example, using both Loop and For / Next produce the same results. Loop is somewhat easier to use because you do not need to define a variable first.

While LOOP

A third method is to use the While command. Using the While command allows you to control when code is executed. While a given condition is true, the computer code will be executed. If the condition is not true, the computer code will not be executed. Let’s look at two examples. The first example will again display the name Jon Smith on the screen 5 times.

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

While X < 5

X = X + 1

ConsoleWriteLine("Jon Smith: " + X)

End While

End Method

In the next example, we will continue to display the name Jon Smith on the screen until you press Q on the keyboard to quit. If you don’t hit Q, the program will continue to execute the method ConsoleWriteLine() forever. Remember, computers never get tired.


Let’s review the program line by line.




Name of the program


Defines the variable X as an Integer


Checks to see if the value of IsKeyDown(“A”) is equal to “A”. IsKeyDown(“A”) checks to see if the user is pressing the “A” key on the keyboard. If FALSE then the code on lines 7 and 8 is executed. If TRUE then the execution of the code resumes at line 9.


Prints Jon Smith and the value of the integer X on the console


Increments the value of X


End of the conditional loop


Prints Done on the console window

Lab questions

1. Write a program that counts down starting at number 10 and ending at 1. When done counting, display the message All Done. The output should look like the following. There are a couple of ways this can be done.


One way is to use the While statement and subtract 1 from the variable X each time. By starting with the variable X equal to 11, the program counts backward from 11 to 1 and stops when X is less than 1.

Program MyNewProgram

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

X = 11

While X > 1

X = X - 1

ConsoleWriteLine("The Number is: "+ X)

End While

ConsolewriteLine("All Done")

End Method

End Program

Another method is to use the For / Next statement and use an argument to tell the For / Next statement to count by negative 1. Notice in this example we do not need to set X = 11 before the loop we are defining.

Program MyNewProgram

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

For X = 10 To 1 Step -1

ConsoleWriteLine("The Number is: "+ X)


ConsolewriteLine("All Done")

End Method

End Program

Lab Work

1. What is the value of Y after the following program is run?

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

For X = 1 To 5

Y = Y + 1


ConsoleWriteLine (y)

Answer: 5

2. What is the value of X after the following program is run?

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

For X = 1 To 5 Step 2

Y = Y + 1


ConsoleWriteLine (y)


3. What is the value of X after the following program is run?

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

For X = 10 To 1 Step -2

Y = Y + 1


ConsoleWriteLine (y)

Answer 5

4. What is the value of X after the following program is run?

Define X As Integer

Define Y As Integer

For X = 10 To 1

Y = Y + 1


ConsoleWriteLine (y)

Answer 0

Decisions, Decisions, Decision

Everyone makes decisions and computers can to using the IF/THEN statement. An IF/THEN statement allows your computer program to execute code when an expression is TRUE. The code between the IF and END IF statement is only executed if the expression is TRUE. IF the expression is FALSE, the statement after the END IF statement is executed. Let’s look at the following program.

Define X As Integer

X = 10

If X > 1 Then

ConsoleWriteLine ("A")

End If

ConsoleWriteLine ("B")

End Method

X > 1 is the expression being evaluated. If X > 1 = TRUE then the code between IF and END IF is executed. In this case, ConsoleWriteLine (“A”) . If the expression is FALSE, then the code after END IF is executed.

What will be displayed when this program is executed?


Let’s modify the program and change the expression.

Define X As Integer

X = 10

If X < 1 Then

ConsoleWriteLine ("A")

End If

ConsoleWriteLine ("B")

End Method


In addition to IF we can also add ELSE. This executes code if the statement is NOT true. This is useful if you need the computer to choose between two choice and you know if the first one is not true, then the second one must be true. For example, if a person is not a girl, they must be a boy. Of if the light is not on, it must be off.

Method Main()

Define X As Integer

X = 1

If X = 1 Then

ConsoleWriteLine ("Girl")


ConsoleWriteLine ("Boy")

End If

End Method


The expression used to test if the statement is true or false can be a combination of multiple expressions. For example X = 1 And Age > 17. Let’s look at another example.

X = 1

Age = 18

If X = 1 And Age > 17 Then

ConsoleWriteLine ("Women")

Else If X = 1 And Age < 17 Then

ConsoleWriteLine ("Girl")

Else If X = And Age > 17 Then

COnsoleWriteLine ("Man")


ConsoleWriteLine ("Boy")

End If


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